Policies provide information about what the kindergarten does/does not do and, in some cases, what we cannot do.

It is the responsibility of the Committee to ensure policies are developed that best meet the needs of the staff, parents/guardians, committee, children and community; that reflect both the values and beliefs of the centre and current thinking; and that are relevant in terms of current laws, legislation and regulations. Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly to ensure that changing needs are met and the kindergarten meets legislative requirements.

Policies :

  • Provide a framework for operation
  • Enable a consistent approach
  • Provide a future direction for decision-making
  • Promote smooth transition when there are changes to management and staff
  • Outlines what new and potential users of the kindergarten can expect
  • Provide a framework for compliance with legislative and regulatory obligations
  • Guide day to day practice

Our policies include:

Gallery Video Indoors – http://player.vimeo.com/video/1051373829?autoplay=1